Monday, October 26, 2009

What's a picture worth, anyway?

Social media can take many forms. FaceBook and Twitter are probably the most visible. However, we've been addressing the use of photo's on Flickr recently. As many of us are quick to admit, photo's generate traffic. People love to look at pictures, especially of themselves, their friends and co-workers.
For a brand, adding photo's of employees and events is a good way to connect with your customers. We've been posting pictures from events over the last two months, including an employee event and a grand opening of a local branch. As you begin to share these picture, be aware of the concerns of others. These can include issues of privacy and security, or creating a negative impression of the bank for both customers and employees. Ensure you have a process in place to ensure the integrity of the photo's being displayed. Addressing these concerns up front can prevent issues later on.

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